Sunday, October 26, 2008

I Got A New Do!!

Look at me, all grown up!! I finally got my hair cut off, WHAT HAVE I DONE?? No more pony tails on a bad hair day?

Actually I do like it, although it is more work than I care for. You know the second day hair is much harder to make look good at this length. In the morning I have the whole "bed head" thing going, including this weird thing my hair does after I've slept on it... I end up having a part that goes half way down the back of my head, and no amount of water seems to help much, it just separates again when I'm not looking!

I was worried that having hair this short would make my bum look bigger, but I had one girl at work tell me I actually looked thinner. Maybe I should shave my head!

Well, what else have I been up to lately? Work. I really like my new job at the school, but the amount of work that needs to be done around here is eating me alive!! So what have I done to make things easier? Well, I volunteered our yard to host a "Fun Match" dog show for toy breeds on November 8th, now I need to get the yard cleaned up. I signed up for a fun Christmas apron swap over here.
I just couldn't resist this swap. I already have great fabric for my partner, and I really would love a "June Clever" type, fancy apron. Life is short, live hard.

I recently bought the iPod touch. Talk about a cool "tool". The applications that can be downloaded are helpful, educational and fun too. I can put tons of pictures on it, loads of music, books, movies. Many of the applications are free or very cheap. I have a Bible that came with several translations, this really cool shopping list thing and some seriously amusing games to keep the kids (and myself) entertained. I can even get on the internet on it and check my favorite blogs. How did I ever manage without one? lol